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放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2024-01-05 浏览次数:

报告题目:Some studies on robust jointly sparse soft unsupervised learning




报告摘要:As an important process of data preprocessing,unsupervised learning has received a lot of attention in the context of big data. Because normal unsupervised learning cannot capture overlapping regions, and they are extended to soft unsupervised learning. Fuzzy clustering is one of the most popular soft clustering algorithms. Fuzzy C-means (FCM) is the most commonly used fuzzy clustering algorithm, which makes the model retain more information by extending the degree of sample belonging to the cluster to the values in the interval [0,1]. But FCM is time-consuming in processing large-scale data, thus limiting its application in large-scale scenarios. In addition, FCM is sensitive to noise or outliers. To solve these key problems, we integrate anchor graph and dimensionality reduction into the fuzzy clustering framework on the basis of FCM model, and effectively expand the analysis ability of fuzzy clustering algorithm in large-scale data from sample dimension and feature dimension. Furthermore, we explore the three-way space structure for clustering categorical data based on three-way concepts and we also present our an initial attempt to develop sparse convoluted rank principal component analysis.


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